New blow to the golf courses in Andalusia

The rumor is confirmed.

The Department of Tourism and Trade, General Secretariat for Tourism, intends to modify the decree of Andalusian golf to give a final slam to the golf courses in Andalusia, especially, to the misnamed “tourist interest”.

Andalusia is a leader in number of golf courses and turists of golf in Spain, a country that is the second destination on the planet, in receipt of tourism of golf and the first in Europe for tourists of golf, with a market share of about 40%.

However, it is not the result of the effort undertaken by the andalusian administration that has created a Decree 43/2008, February 12, which regulates the conditions of deployment, and operation of golf courses in Andalusia, but that, in practice, it has only served to paralyze the meteoric rise of the sector.

The controversial golf course of tourist interest on the Board has not increased the tourist offer and sport. After five years, there is not done a golf course of tourist interest at Andalusia.

While the sector demand the abolition of Decree 43/2008 by those years “lost”, the Department of Tourism responds with one new, more radical than the previous, that is designed to make more difficult the construction of new golf courses in Andalusia.

The past October 17, the Secretary General for Tourism, Vicente Granados Heads, introduced the controversial draft decree and opened the relevant proceedings of audience, with a term of fifteen working days in which to realize allegations.

Info – The sector calls for its withdrawal.

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